

1. 负责系统功能的开发、对负责的开发模块进行单元测试;

2. 持续提高质量责任模块;

3. 责任模块的业务流程不断深入分析与提出改进意见。



2、 3年以上开发工作经验,有物流行业相关工作经验或项目经验,了解电商行业业务流程,掌握供应链、物流等行业业务知识者优先考虑;

3、熟练 Visual Studio(VS)开发工具,熟练 SQL Server 、MySql 或其他数据库;

4、熟练 Microsoft Visual Studio 开发环境,以及熟悉 SVN 等相应辅助开发工具,配置管理和控制;

5、熟练 B/S,C/S 架构,熟悉 C#开发语言、ASP.NET、MVC、Winform、ADO.net、WebAPI、WCF、Linq 和WebServices 技术以及熟悉三层架构的开发;

6、熟练 MS Sql Server、MySql 等数据库设计技术,熟悉编写存储过程、触发器、视图等技术;熟练 HTML、DIV、CSS、javascript、Ajax、Jquery 等网络开发技术;

7、熟悉 Dreamweaver、Powerdesigner 等设计工具;


9、思路清晰,具备较强的分析和处理问题的能力,善于与人合作、工作踏实、责任心强 、具有良好的沟通能力、有团队合作精神。

Apply for the position
  • Name
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Resume
  • I have read carefully and agree to the RECRUITMENT INFOMRATION NOTICE
  • I would like to keep my resume in company talent
    database for future opportunity
    Agree Not Agree
Cooperative Consultation

Please fill in the form correctly so that we can collect and sort out your needs. The staff will contact you as soon as possible according to the information and contact information you filled in and promote the platform settlement.

*Company name


*Contact number



*Company location

*Services type

*Place of origin

*Dest ctry

*Intended fulfillment center

*Online marketplaces

*Sale category

*Product size

*Average monthly sales

I understand and agree that the information above is provided to Zongteng voluntarily for the purpose of intended business cooperation, and the processing of the information is subject to the "Personal data protection policy".

If no cooperation is reached here,do you agree that Zongteng retains your information and contacts you in the future at a suitable time?

Not agree